Three Edmonton Plant-Based Restaurants You Should Try
Okay, after stuffing ourselves for the holidays, it’s time to start thinking about what’s for dinner next year. Is it just us, or have you noticed an increase in vegan and vegetarian options in Edmonton? The city is finally getting some recognition for our most creative and seriously delicious eateries, but what about the new vegan spots diversifying Edmonton’s offerings? These spots are worth a visit whether you’re a vegan or just looking for something new in YEG.
The utopian dream lives on! Arcadia focuses on Alberta beer, good music, meat-free offerings, and conversation. And, they do a pretty good job of it. It’s an awesome idea grounded in socially conscious community development. Their space is great (kid friendly til 8) and it’s contributing to the incredible growth of 124th street.
Here’s what you’re going to do; check the next concert date, text your homebody friends to make plans, layout evening clothes for your homebody friends so they have something other than pyjamas to wear, eat a late lunch, get to Arcadia, order a Fahr North Dunkelweizen and the 124 Street Nachos (complete with Sailin’on coconut bacon), lather, rinse, and repeat until satisfied. You’ll pick up on the vibe quickly and get to experience life on the good ship Albion.
Die Pie
Can you ever get enough pizza? No. Not up for discussion. That’s why we’re just as excited to see Die Pie bringing plant-based pizza to Jasper Ave. Mari Toni Gerner, Elisse’s sister in law and plant-based culinary expert, tells us that one of the most difficult ways to introduce people to plant-based food is to replicate something they are really familiar with. But, Die Pie is definitely up to that challenge. It all comes down to the vegan cheese. I know there are some pizza aficionados that cringed reading that, but stick with us. This is vegan cheese made by Die Pie in their downtown kitchen (available for purchase I might add). It’s delicious and perfect for their pizzas.
Just try it. They’re set to change the pizza game in Edmonton. Don’t miss out.
The Moth
Yay! Development in the Quarters. It has definitely taken some time but we are happy to see that the area will host Cafe Mosaics’ new venture, The Moth. The restaurant looks stunning, and if you’ve been to Cafe Mosaics, then you know you can expect the food to be worth the visit.
The Moth is trying to highlight raw and nutritious ingredients at a price more people can afford. Again, it seems to be about servicing the community and trying to be a hub for Edmonton’s inner city residents. If you’re in the neighbourhood, check out the Moth and let us know if it lives up to the hype!
It seems the underlying concept of socially conscious community development is pretty consistent across the board. These are Chefs and Entrepreneurs doing purposeful work to help Edmonton grow. If you’re looking to try something new, or you just saw OKJA, send these places some love. Without them, we’ll just keep seeing the same stale restaurants and we’ll never get to see what Edmonton could become.
Good Eating Edmonton,
!Shout out to the originals who laid the foundations for vegan Edmonton!