A Day in the Life: Ritchie
Thursday, February 22nd, 2018A Day in the Ritchie Life
It’s pretty this morning. Fresh snow, excessively large snowflakes, and all of the other things that help us forget how harsh Edmonton winters can get. At Ritchie Rich (that’s our house) we start our Saturdays with coffee and the premier league. It’s a tradition founded on my dog’s inability to wait past 8 AM for breakfast.
This is Zelda. Zelda likes food. Zelda doesn’t suffer fools.
The most important thing to remember about perfectly snowy days is that they’re best experienced at alternating intervals of outdoor and indoor activity. You don’t need much, but make sure you have warm clothes in layers and large windows (preferably near a fireplace).
When we were looking for houses 3 years ago, we knew we had to be close to the Mill Creek Ravine for the pup. Well worn trails line the creek and the bridges cross and recross the creek for miles. It’s quiet early in the morning if you don’t want company, and you can explore the ravine for hours.
Okay, dog done.
Another important thing to remember about snowy days is that they require warm food and drink. Most experts agree that your consumption levels should directly correlate to the type of day you expect to have. For example, today I expect to spend a moderate amount of time outside, several hours walking, intermittent periods of social interaction, and in a state that fluctuates from hungry, to sleepy, to curious, to excited in no particular order. As such, the logical next step is brunch at Tasty Toms.
Tasty Tom’s
It’s incredible what too much food and a little something in your coffee can do to help your day along. This is the spot and there’s almost nothing I wouldn’t order on the menu. Play it safe with the standard breakfast or really commit to it with something like the chilli cheese omelette. If you’re stuck on breakfast, come back another time to try the burgers.
The people running this shop are amazing so drop by and say hello some time. Speaking of amazing people, check out this brunch crew. It’s the moment you’ve given up on finishing your meal and forced yourself to finish your 3rd coffee (because coffee is life) that you look up surrounded by friends and realize that it’s really simple to keep humans happy. Seriously, don’t miss Tasty Toms.
I thought I’d spend some time exploring the shops around here this afternoon. Alhambra Books is the easiest place to get lost so why not start there!
It’s best to come into places like this without an end goal. No title. No author. No genre. Flip through the shelves, read a few pages here and there, and then just take one based on its cover. Even if you don’t like it, it will make you try something new and it’s unlikely going to cost you more than $4.
Tall overflowing shelves, books stacked to the rafters, and overloaded tables make Alhambra one of my favourite places to hide out. It’s been quiet recently so I don’t feel as weird sitting in the rows exploring new authors. It reminds me of library visits when you were a kid. This place is special. Maybe it’s the smell of old books, or just that the owners are holding onto that same feeling I am. Please come and see it.
La Boule
Don’t judge me. Going to La Boule is part of this assignment. It’s my job to stop and get some carrot cake. Look how perfect their display is. Would you have wanted to miss it? Okay, it’s a must visit spot in Ritchie. Thanks to my colleague Sarah for the heads up!
Warp 1
Warp checks a lot of boxes for me these days. I don’t read a lot of comic books but I’m obsessed with board games and D&D. I recently started a campaign in our office and I wanted to get a reward for my new players. They’ve created some hilarious characters but they’re missing dice so this makes sense. Come by and see it for yourself. If you’re looking to try something, I think they do drop in evenings for a bunch of different games
ACE Coffee
ACE isn’t normally open but since it’s the weekend we get to see the space and get another coffee. It’s like an inverted ark that houses coffee and donuts! I’m not sure who designed this place but they’ve drastically improved my weekend routine. You can come by to try the coffee Friday to Sunday but they’re busy doing other work during the week.

It’s the local. Ritchie Market’s quickly become the center of this neighbourhood. This is the place that feels the most like Ritchie to me. You run into your neighbours over drinks or get caught in the puppy party outside Transcend, and it just feels like it’s always been here. Blind Enthusiasm brews out of the market as well so you can follow along as they try out new ideas and perfect your favourites. (and they do growlers so you can get a little to go!) The market is also home to ACME meats so Biera has an incredible offering and the partnerships make me happy to be in a place working together.
Bok Choy for sure. Lot’s of drinks. An unnecessary dessert. You can’t go wrong. Just come and enjoy the space, bring some friends, drink some beer, and meet all the neighbours!
There are obviously a ton of amazing shops left out of this day just because of time constraints, pant waist constraints, and my current brunch preferences. I love Ritchie. Yes, it’s central, it’s well serviced, there are a ton of things to do, but, that’s not it. It fits my lifestyle and I feel connected to the people here. I’m so glad we moved here and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
Justin Quinn is the director of marketing for TruHome. He’s committed to bringing a strong community focus to our marketing efforts and increasing transparency in the Real Estate Industry. He has lived in the Ritchie neighbourhood for the past three years and obsesses about all things food and drink in Edmonton.