This weekend we celebrated Mother’s Day, and all of us @TruHome would like to recognize the important roles mothers play in our lives. Mothers are as diverse as the places we call home. So whether your mom was a working mom, a homemaker, a world traveller, a nurturer, a logician, a sophisticated lady, a warm hug, a corporate powerhouse, the life of the party, or a little bit of all; one thing is true – she is worth celebrating.
To mark this special occasion, we asked Edmonton blogger Rachel Jones @Edmomton if we could share her roundup of favourite Edmonton mom bloggers. Be sure to check out Rachel’s other posts to learn more about what’s happening for moms in YEG. You can also follow Edmomton on Facebook & Instagram.
If you are a mom or mom-to-be looking to buy or sell a home, give TruHome team member and#yegdt resident mama Elisse Moreno a call. You can also check out listings in these great Central Edmonton neighbourhoods: Downtown | Oliver | Queen Mary Park | Garneau | Strathcona | Ritchie

Since starting Edmomton, I’ve discovered sixteen local mommy blogging mavens: Carole, Sarah, Christine, Dajana, Lori, Jennifer, Teela, Hannah, Orane, Lindsay, Kimberly, Kristina, Marisa, Athena, Chelsey, Jessica and Krysta.
Some have built huge followings over the years, and some are fairly new, breaking ground with some punchy material. Get to know them through their writing.These moms share intimate, brutally honest, funny, useful, trendy, on point, brilliant, sweet and straight-forward stuff. They reveal the honest truth about motherhood. They provide answers to questions. They share exciting ideas. They’re creative and wonderful.
I bet you’ll love them as much as I do.
-Rachel Jones
In no particular order, here are my Top 16 Local Edmonton Mom Bloggers:
1 | Carole Anne Devaney – My Writing Space
If you watch Global News on weeknights at 6 o’clock, you’ll recognize Carole Anne. She co-hosts and is a well-known anchor in Edmonton. She became a momma in 2014, and just announced her second pregnancy on her new blog, where she shares “the good, bad, and the ugly” about her life as a working mom. In 2009, she moved from Ottawa to Edmonton to become a reporter with CBC, and never looked back. Her blog has been 5 years in the making, and is a cheerful, poignant read about new motherhood. I love her newest post, Dear Trolls.
Follow Carole Anne on Facebook & Instagram.
2 | Miss Sarah – Many Unexpected Detours
Sarah Chan is an incredible and spirited person — she’s a piano teacher, volunteer, community leader, gala organizer, mom of Dexter (7) and Alice (4), and wife to Mayor Don Iveson. She lovingly refers to her clan as the “Chiveson” family. As a long-time personal blogger, Sarah shares details about the projects she’s working on, her passion for biking, what’s going on in her family life, and her current social advocacy efforts. If you read her blog, you’ll get know her better, and learn a little bit about what she’s involved with in our community.
Find Sarah on Instagram & Twitter.
3 | Just Another Edmonton Mommy
I adore Christine — the down-to-earth momma of three who was born and raised in Edmonton, loves this city, and puts her heart into her blog. She shares tips, recipes, date night ideas, and anything cheap, free, or feasible for all sorts of like-minded families. Living locally is her specialty. One of my favourites is her list of 72 cheap and free things to do with kids this summer, here in YEG. She supports local charities and loves sharing the funniest little tidbits on her kids. Christine embodies what it’s like to be a momma in Edmonton.
Find Christine on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
4 | Edmonton Mama
Lori Godin is a pro at saving money, traveling, finding the best shopping deals, sharing simple life hacks, and simple tips on “momming” (as she calls it). Lately, I’ve loved reading about her thoughts on parenting during camping versus at home and how much screen time kids should really have during the summer. She’s an excellent writer with a flair for sharing funny stories and travel recommendations. Lori also authors Raising Edmonton.
Follow Lori on Facebook & Instagram.
5 | All Kinds of Lovely
Dajana Fabjanovich is certainly that — lovely. Her twin boys, Luka and Oliver, were born in February of this year. They are Dajana’s beautiful IVF miracle babies who have spent a lot of time at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and Stollery Children’s Hospital. They are now strong and healthy and growing quickly! Her blog is a charming one to read backwards, tracking life events and favourite things. Dajana has been writing for a while on food, fashion, travel and decor — but most recently, her posts are all about motherhood. Lovely.
Find Dajana on Facebook & Instagram.
6 | Bitchin’ Housewife Lifestyle Blog
Jennifer lives up to her blog namesake. She writes a witty, fun lifestyle blog all about health, nutrition, fitness, self-care, motherhood, and combining it all. On her site, she said that “we give so much of ourselves to our jobs, families and people around us, that sometimes we forget to centre ourselves.” She right, and she provides reminders weekly on her “Self Care Sunday” posts that I love to take inspiration from. You rock, Jen. Keep it up! You inspired me to paint my toenails, wax my moustache, and put on a face mask tonight.
Keep up with Jennifer on Facebook & Instagram.
7 | Night Owl Mommy
Teela is an adorable new mommy blogger here in Edmonton. She journals her DIY projects, fun ideas, crafts with her sweet daughter Harper, and anything she finds off Pinterest that’s fun and spunky. The pictures she shares are beautiful, colourful and light-hearted. She is currently crossing things off a summer bucket list and adventuring around the city. I love her blog and her style — so happy, sweet, and positive! Follow her as she chronicles the happier side of life.
Find Teela on Facebook & Instagram.
8 | The Momoirs
How cool is Hannah? Probably the coolest. She is momma to two of the cutest, cheek-pinchable boys, teaches yoga, and is a self-proclaimed wine lover. The best part — she loves to swear, is very honest, and fully exposes her true self on her blog. Through her raw, funny, and sometimes emotional writing, you can empathize with her and relate to her experiences — like her most recent post: That Time I Almost Became Famous. Hannah, thank you for being so real and up-front with the truth. We all love your posts.
Hang out with Hannah on Facebook & Instagram.
9 | Orane Boucher
Orane is a very unique and trendy momma, blogging about her life with her husband and son, and sharing many beautiful photos through Instagram. She’s originally from Paris, so has a flair for fashion, make-up, and the finer things. However, she acknowledges that life is not perfect, and pictures can be an artificial representation of life — making her authentic as well. I’ve loved reading her recommendations on rainy day activities with toddlers, where she pulls advice from her mama side.
You’ll love Orane’s aesthetically-pleasing Instagram feed.
10 | Modern Mama Edmonton & Area
Lindsay MacDonald is the Director of Modern Mama in Edmonton and blogs frequently about weekend activities here in the city. She’s my go-to for new ideas. As the mom of two boys and one little lady — Henry, Oliver, and Elliot — she is constantly busy and having fun adventuring around the city. Lindsay teams up frequently with Leah Doyle, Director of Modern Mama in St. Albert and North Edmonton. These wonderful women are actively involved in the community, hosting annual events, partnering with businesses, talking on the local news, and finding ways to engage new and expectant mommies.
Find Lindsay on Facebook & Instagram.
11 | Inspired by Lynne
Kristina Lynne is the new momma behind the local blog, Inspired by Lynne. (FYI, Lynne is her middle name.) Kristina is self-described as an interior designer, house flipper, and lover of books and the arts. She has a obvious talent for design and the way she translates that on her blog is genius. I love reading her fashion articles, as well as taking a look through all home decor tips.
Find Kristina on Instagram.
12 | Stream & Stone
Marisa is a local blogger that covers the important topics of feminism and motherhood. She is the proud mom of a young little boy and is raising him with a sense of respect and balance. What I love about her is how honestly she writes, talking openly about sexism, how it appears in culture and society, and how things need to change. On the topics of food and body image, she can describe her experiences in a way that relates to almost anyone that’s struggled with the two.
Follow Marisa on Instagram & Facebook.
13 | The Salty Almond
Athena Raypold is a local freelance writer who is momma to precious little Fitz. He just celebrated his first birthday! I love reading through Athena’s blog The Salty Almond, linked above — she writes delectable posts on various restaurants in Edmonton and their food offerings. Most importantly, Athena just launched her own freelance writing business and is working on a number of projects. One is particular is on motherhood; it’s called Becoming.
Find Athena on Facebook & Instagram.
14 | Confessions of a Real-Life Mom
Chelsey Borys is the Director of Mommy Connections, Edmonton North & St. Albert. She writes a hilarious, down-to-earth blog of her own, all about her daily life with two little ones. This Hippy Yogi Momma describes her messy, nightmarish life, that she wouldn’t trade anything for. She’s got wine and chocolate handy in case of a bad day. She loves her coffee, her yoga, writing about delicious recipes, and sharing great resources around Edmonton (like the Reuse Centre). Chelsey also just launched the very first Dad & Baby Program in Edmonton. What a trend-setter. Love you, Chelsey!
Find Chelsey (Mommy Connections Edmonton North & St. Albert) on Instagram & Facebook.
15 | Grace & Champ
Jessica Christensen-Holt is the fabulous mama of twins behind the local blog Grace & Champ. It’s reminiscent, sweet, and real — all about mom life with twins. She intends to share it with her son and daughter when they grow up. They can read and laugh, and appreciate the Barfageddon they put their momma through. I loved her post about The Kindness of Seniors, where she wrote about a lovely older man (with a cane, carrying groceries) asked if he could help her. This was the one and only time she’d ever had the offer! For her, being a mom means bringing her family together, enjoying the moments that matter, and not trying to be like everyone else.
Keep up with Jessica’s posts on Facebook.
16 | Krysta’s Little World (Life As I Know It)
Krysta Larson-Tieppihs writes a tear-gerking mommy blog about life’s sweet moments. I first met her when we were both pregnant, about 6 months along. Krysta was about to have her second daughter, Briley, little sister to her first, Aralee. I’ve recently discovered her serious mommy-blogging and photography prowess. She is a former world-traveling Flight Attendant turned Stay-at-home Mom, who sees motherhood as her greatest adventure yet. Aralee just turned three and started preschool. She also takes killer photos of each milestone. So cute and creative!
Follow Krysta on Instagram.
*Photo of Rachel Jones courtesy of Mike Isaak Photography